Advanced Thesis (AD 463)SPRING 2008
TUES/THURS 1:00-3:40
AD Hall, Room 2236
Instructors: Ben Russell (; Tony Tasset (; Silvia Malagrino ( ); Pamela Fraser ( HYPERLINK ""
Office Hours By Appointment
THE CLASSThis team-taught interdisciplinary seminar is your final step in the long journey towards achieving an arts degree. Because the focus of this course is necessarily on your THESIS PROJECT and the exhibition thereof, the emphasis of this course is placed directly on the process of making and refining your work. Group critiques and individual meetings will work towards this goal, and your arts education will be rounded out by a series of lectures, readings, discussions, field trips, and workshops, all of which will prepare you for life as a practicing artist in the World Outside.
REQUIREMENTSGroup Meetings: Each class period will begin by meeting as a group for one hour in the Advanced Sculpture Room on the fourth floor of AD Hall. This time will be utilized for lectures, discussions, presentations, and organizational meetings regarding the Thesis Exhibition.
Individual Meetings: Sign-up sheets for individual meetings with each of the four professors will be placed on the door of the faculty office on the fifth floor of AD Hall.
Group Critiques: There will be two large group critiques. Attendance and participation at these critiques is extremely important. An absence on one of these days will count as double.
Required Readings: The Class Reader will be available at The blog will be continually updated, and interactive. Please check it regularly and add thoughtful questions and commentary. Reading all posted texts is mandatory.
Artist’s Statement: Students will continue to develop and refine their Artist’s Statement. A final draft will be handed in at the end of the semester, as well as read during the Final Presentation.
Final Presentation: Students will give a short presentation of their work which will include describing their thesis work and reading their Artist’s Statements.
The BFA Thesis Exhibition: The Exhibition will be held on April 18, 2008. All students and faculty will participate in all aspects of putting the show together. This will include the creation and production of graphic materials, the cleaning and preparation of the exhibition space(s),
Materials and Fees: There is a lab fee of $150 for this course that will go towards labs, equipment, materials and the exhibition materials. Photo and MI students, and Studio Arts students who use Photo or MI labs will have the bulk of their lab fee go towards lab costs in those areas. Studio Arts students who do not use labs will be able to order materials through request. More specifics on this will be available soon.
GRADINGGrades will be based on attendance; conceptual and technical proficiency in both writing and creative projects; level of focus and engagement; class participation in discussion and critique.
All work and presentations must be prepared or handed in on time.
Committees will be formed, and there will be an equal distribution of effort toward hanging the Thesis Exhibition. Group effort in exhibition preparations will be monitored.
Attendance and participation are MANDATORY. If you miss three classes, you will FAIL this course. Additionally, you are considered absent if you arrive late or leave early two times.
1/15: 1:00 Semester Structure, Expectations, Assignments
and Questions.
Handout questionnaire.
1/17: 1:00 Student Presentations and Responses to Questionnaires.
Share three works with class: live or documented
1/22: 1:00 Student Proposals read.
1/24: 1:00 group meeting 1:
Ben presents and assigns reading 1
Formation of GBU committee
2:00 work time/individual meetings
1/29: 1:00 group meeting 2: discuss reading 1
Pamela presents and assigns reading 2
2:00 work time/individual meetings
1/31: 1:00 group meeting 3: discuss reading 2
Tony presents and assigns reading 3
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/05: 1:00 group meeting 4: discuss reading 3
Silvia presents and assigns reading 4
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/07: 1:00 field trip: Katerina Šedá at the Renaissance Society
2/12: 1:00 group meeting 5: discuss reading 4
Ben presents and assigns possible
reading 5
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/14: 1:00 group meeting 6: discuss reading 5
Pamela presents and assigns
possible reading 6
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/19: 1:00 group meeting 7: discuss reading 6
Tony presents and assigns possible reading
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/21: 1:00 group meeting 8: discuss reading 7
Silvia presents and assigns possible reading
2:00 work time/individual meetings
2/26: 1:00 MIDTERM CRITIQUE: work in progress
2/28: 1:00 MIDTERM CRITIQUE: work in progress
3/04: 1:00 Organizational Meeting for Thesis Show
Formation of Exhibition Committees
Brainstorm Title and Graphics for Exhibition Materials
3/06: 1:00 Screening
09 3/11: 1:00 group: TBA
2:00 work time/individual meetings
Present and Vote on Titles and Graphics
3/13: 1:00 group: TBA
2:00 work time/individual meetings
10 3/18: 1:00 group: TBA
2:00 work time/individual meetings
Designer(s) must show faculty and Director layout for approval.
1:00 DVD / Powerpoint Workshops for those interested
2:00 work time / individual meetings
Deadline for exhibition cards and posters to be sent to printer.
4/01: 1:00 Group Critique of Work in Progress
4/03: 1:00 field trip: Karen Kilimnik at the MCA
4/08: 1:00 group: What’s Next: Discussion
2:00 work time/individual meetings
4/10: 1:00 group-Organizational Meeting
2:00 work time/individual meetings
4/15: BFA Exhibition Preparation
4/17: BFA Exhibition Preparation
BFA Thesis Exhibition Opening
4/19 BFA Thesis Exhibition4/20 BFA Thesis Exhibition15
4/22: Smaller Group Statement Workshops
4/24: Powerpoint / Keynote Presentation with Statement
All Final Drafts of Statement due-regardless of date of presentation.
4/29: Powerpoint / Keynote Presentation with Statement
5/01: Powerpoint / Keynote Presentation with Statement