25 April 2008



“The Oprah Burial Mask depicts for the viewer a celebration of an inner beauty for which we could all aspire,” says gallery director David Kesting of the life-sized hollowed bust. “If we each imagined an object that represented us at our most ideal for all eternity, we might hold ourselves to the highest standards, both morally and spiritually.”

“Standing before the burial mask of King Tut’s great-grandmother when it was displayed in Philadelphia, I finally understood how the creation of an object could be the act of preparing for a better place. It inspired me to create such an object,” explains the artist, whose favorite reference for his contemporary burial mask was a photo of Oprah Winfrey praying. “I tried to depict the feeling of inner peace that was so evident on Oprah’s face in that photo.”

23 April 2008

21 April 2008

free passes to ArtChicago

black is, black ain't @ the renn

april 20-june 8
the renaissance society
university of illinois campus
check out this show and essay.

16 April 2008

security detail: new and improved

Security Schedule
(Will sit in great space, except during opening when will stand at 2 entrances to building)

Friday 4/18
11-1:00 Alberto
1-3:00 Pat
3-5:00 Jerry
5:00-5:45 CUPPA entrance: Rand
ADH entrance: Nick
5:45-6:30 CUPPA entrance: Liz
ADH entrance: Joe T
6:30-7:15 CUPPA entrance: Josh
ADH entrance: Nicole
7:15-8:00 CUPPA entrance: Rita
ADH entrance: Luke

11-1:00 Rafael
1-3:00 Summer
3-5:00 Joe T

Sunday 4/20
11-1:00 Holly
1-3:00 Chris
3-5:00 Josh

Monday 4/21
11-1:00 Nicole
1-3:00 Rita
3-5:00 Ben B.

Tuesday 4/22
11-1:00 Anna
1-3:00 Linda
3-5:00 Christine

Die Artspeak Die!

No, I don't read Time magazine, but I found a link to this article and enjoyed it....


10 April 2008

03 April 2008

Press release.


Contact: Phantom Laureate Promotions
Contact Person: Rand Sevilla
Company Name: University of Illinois at Chicago
Telephone Number: 312.315.1802
Email Address: randsevilla@gmail.com

Year of the Rat: UIC BFA Thesis Show

Chicago, IL, April 18th-April 23rd — The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Art and Design is pleased to welcome all interested parties to the 2008 Spring Undergraduate Thesis exhibition opening Friday, April 18th from 5 pm to 8 pm at the school’s Great Space Gallery at 400 S Peoria Street.

Titled Year of the Rat, this semester’s crop of creative hopefuls present their respective bodies of work: video, painting, sculpture, photography, drawing and other media will be on display and up for discussion over catered food and rising talents. Consider this your opportunity to be able to say “I knew them before they were big”.

If you can’t make it on Friday, you need not fret. Year of the Rat will be open for viewing everyday from 11am to 5 pm until April 23rd.

For additional information or Questions Contact:
Rand Sevilla 312.315.1802 or randsevilla@gmail.com
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